Saturday, November 24, 2012

A day where i always feel happy.

This week, is a test week. Wed have test for csas, test for bmic lab, test for food chemistry, and lastly test for bimc.

Test was never easy to me. And no one will ever like test. We study for the sake of study. Nothing force us to do so, but we just did it.

Didnt really study for this few testes, but i only read through. I guess i had really need to start studying, like making notes.

Most of all, i really wish i will not need to study. Is not i hate studying or what, i just hated test. Test is the most annoying things human had ever created.

I understand test are given to see how much you understand. But, using test to determine your work, your future. It just rediculous.

Many people have different in learning. Especially for people in food science, theory are important, but lab are the most important. If you exceel your theory but not your practical, isnt your work in future might be in danger too?
For me, i am good in practical. I may not be the best, but i somehow can exceel in practical compared to theory. And if poly judge by using mostly theory, that may not be fair to people who are good in practical and bad at theory.
I know whatever i said is just an excuse, but why cant the world and people make life easier? Maybe if life easier, less people getting depression, less people being unhappy being stress. And singapore's kid may not be a stress kid and kiasu people if life is somehow a bit easier.

They say singaporean kid dont know how to enjoy life etc. But is the environment which drives our parent to being kiasu and force the kids nowadays, being kiasu too. And result, less childhood memory.

Sometimes, i really wish i was in a few century back, where life is not as competitive as now. And also very simple compared to now.

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